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Start a career with NCM Academy Distance Learning International Students Registration
Are you seeking quality education to accomplish
your dreams and goals for your career, then you have
just browsed the right college. Join many of other focused students and study under qualified lecturers that would
assist you be the best amongst your peers.Why not begin today?
We are accredited institution and all our certificate are
nationally recognise. All our qualifications are registered and
accredited by various education and Training Quality Assurance bodies.
We have free internet & email access, and myNCM Account for online learning support for all learners.
All Matric Re-writes Learners have free compter training and Certificate is awarded. We have more fun and
Good National Examination pass rate.

Our Distance learning provides an alternative option to traditional classroom-based learning.
This method of education allows students to
study anywhere, as there are no classroom-based
lecturers. Distance learning provides greater access
to education for students who are unable to attend
traditional classes or lectures due to family commitment, a busy work schedule, physical disability, lack of transport, or lack of educational institution in their area. We offer distance learining courses at some levels; Matric certificate, National Certificates and Short Courses.
What are the advantages of distance learning?
There are a number of advantages of distance learning. Some of them are as follows: Read More...
international students who wish to enroll their studies at NCM Academy and continuing students are required to present their study permit. They are expected to register full-time courses. All International students must obtain a visa before coming to South Africa. A foreign national who has already entered the country without the study permit; and wish to study with NCM Academy must contact our international student advisor in person for advice on how to obtain a study permit from Department of Home Affairs before the classes begin. Once you have decided to apply for admission and have chosen the course for which you want to apply please submit the additional documents by fax or e-mail to the school.

Read More... For more information contact us


In South Africa Department of Higher Education and Training is tasked with the responsibility for the coordination of the education and training sub-systems of post-school education, including universities, Further Education and Training Colleges, Sector Education and Training Authorities, and Adult Basic Education.

Media Information and Communication Technologies Sector and Training Authority (MICT Seta) is a Statutory body established in The Department of Higher Education and Training. MICT Seta will implement learning programmes in cooperation with suitably qualified employers.

QCTO stands for Quality Council for Trades and Occupations. The QCTO is one of the three Quality Councils, each responsible for a qualifications sub framework on the National Qualifications Framework. CHE and Umalusi are the other two. The sub framework that the QCTO is responsible for is the Trades and Occupations sub framework. The QCTO is responsible for standards setting and quality assurance of occupational qualifications on the Trades and Occupations sub framework. QCTO recommends to SAQA, qualifications for registration on the NQF

The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) is a juristic person - that is an entity given a legal personality by the law. The South African Qualifications Authority Board is a body of 12 members appointed by the Minister of Higher Education and Training. The objects of SAQA are to advance the objectives of the NQF; oversee the further development and implementation of the NQF; and co-ordinate the sub-frameworks.

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The college has a service that allows the general public to verify the authenticity of any certificate issued by or through this institution to the certificate holder...
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Main Campus: East London NCM High School NCM High School
- 11 North Street East London
South Africa
Tel:043 722 1241
Hotline: 0780121268
121 Western Avenue Vincent East London
South Africa
Tel:043 050 7237
121 Western Avenue Vincent East London
South Africa
Tel:043 050 7237

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