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/myNCM Account

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   myNCM Account - Select Your Campus, for Registered students Only

TVET Students-myNCM Accounts

Grade12 Students-myNCM Accounts

Only Learners that have enrolled as Distance Learners.

For any technical support or how to use myNCM Account send Whatsapp to: 0688499390 / 0780121268 or email: ncmcomputers@gmail.com
ensure that you give the details of your problem, ID number, username and password you have created on registration page.
Please note that myNCM Account can only be created by current registered students. You must also ensure that you select correct Campus, especially East London Campus, students must know either registered for TVET qualification or Grade 12 and select accordingly

Main Campus: North End NCM High School NCM High School
11 North Street East London
South Africa
Tel:043 722 1241
121 Western Avenue Vincent East London
South Africa
Tel:043 050 7237
121 Western Avenue Vincent East London
South Africa
Tel:043 050 7237